Our terms of service are simple and transparent.

Streaming and Content
Aloncast does not keep track of stream contents and all content broadcast is the responsibility of the client. We will not be responsible, or liable to any third party, for the content or any materials used by you or any other user of our site. All licensing, copyright issues are the sole responsibility of the individual clients and/or their production entities. We have the right to remove any material or posting you make on our site and/or even close your account (if advised so or by our own privilege) if in our opinion, such material does not comply with the content standards. Remember you are (the user) the only one that responsible for the content, and the streaming broadcast. In addition, by using our service you agree to take the responsibility for any improper use of the content you supply.
Hosting and Content
By using this service, you agree to take full responsibility for the content you stream or host on the service. Alon Hosting does not monitor any stream content and all content broadcasted is the sole responsibility of the client. We do not provide any form of legal cover to individuals or companys who utilize our services to distribute content with any copyright protection. Under no circumstances will Alon Hosting be responsible for the content uploaded or broadcasted by our clients. All licensing, copyright and royalty issues are the sole responsibility of the individual clients and/or their production entities. If contacted by an authority in the event of an illegal situation, we will co-operate fully in any investigations they decide to make against clients found to be breaking the law. All data is stored at client's own risk and we will take no responsibility for any loss, damage or corruption of files hosted on our servers. You agree not to engage in any activity that can overwhelm our servers with heavy usage, or that requires a disproportionate amount of resources of its servers, including but not limited to, highly active CGI or chat scripts; Server processing and bandwidth resources are shared with other users and clients are required to understand this. We reserve the right to monitor, restrict, suspend clients found to be using a disproportionate level of shared resources on a regular basis. You may not use our services to distribute adult or illegal material.
If you are an individual Subscriber, these Terms and Policies apply to all persons who gain access through your account. If you are a commercial Subscriber, these Terms and Policies apply to all your employees, agents and/or customers. In either instance, a violation of these Terms and Policies by anyone using your account will be treated as a violation by you. The Terms of Service specifically relate to services provided by Alon Hosting; external matters are not at the discretion of Alon Hosting.
The Service is provided to you for as long as you wish to use it, however we withhold the right to terminate the service if you use it in a way that violates the terms of use.
Auto DJ Service
You are only permitted to upload and stream songs that are legally in your possession. If advised so Alon Hosting reserves the rights to delete any illegal content. Alon Hosting claim no responsibility whatsoever for what you choose to broadcast using our "Auto DJ" service. You may not use "Auto DJ" service to distribute adult or illegal material. Broadcasting with "Auto DJ" service, you are still responsible for meeting the legal requirements for your station. This may include, but is not limited to, internet radio licensing. Regarding users that have either cancelled their service or have an inactive account Alon Hosting is not liable to keep any user data, such as songs uploaded to the servers.
Aloncast reserves the right to suspend and/or terminate any service at any time if we see fit, or if you are found to be abusing these Terms of Service.
Our Staff
Our staff deserve the right to work in a respectfull environment. As such, we kindly remind you that swearing, or being abusive towards our staff is prohibited and will not be tolerated under any circumstances. In other words, dont be a jerk!
Bandwidth is supplied under a Fair Use Policy whereby your radio in a Pro+ plan can use as much bandwidth as required unless it affects the performance of other users on shared servers. If your radio reaches this point and is seen as a high-volume server we will contact the customer to discuss options and we will cap Listener limits to less number.
Prices and Charges
Aloncast provides the use of Centova Cast and Everest Cast to you free of charge, but if through misuse or through abuse on your part we incur any charges, we reserve the right to pass these charges on to you. We reserve the right to adjust prices for the services provided at any time for any reason.
Aloncast only allow refunds within the 7 days from order. The user is entitled to the whole amount that was given to Alon Hosting via the selected payment method. Addon services such as extra listeners slots and port changes are not eligible for refund. Alon Hosting reserves the right to deny any client a refund if these terms are violated. Alon Hosting reserves the right to refuse to refund for any reason and/or waive the "cooling off period" should there be a valid reason to do so.
Account Etiquette
Any account found with potentially fake and/or fraudulent data risks termination without explanation or compensation. Any account found with inconsistent information will also be subject to termination without warning.